of Richfield and Bloomington
Our Story
Altlawns is a community-based organization. Our mission is to create biodiverse native habitat in place of lawns by providing community education and support to local residents. We started as a Facebook group in 2019 in response to online resident questions and concerns around native habitat, stormwater issues, and climate change. Altlawns now has over 685 members with robust online discussions and in-person events.
The Rusty Patched Bumble Bee and Monarch Butterfly are both on the endangered species list. These two are the billboard species, but each year brings fewer species and smaller bird and insect populations. Conservationists agree that the solution lies in creating a patchwork of native habitats, creating homes and food year-round for a wide range of wildlife. These habitats also become critical landing sites during migration. By reducing the size of our lawns and replacing them with native plants and a multi-storied tree canopy, we also reduce stormwater runoff, eliminate chemical use, and decrease ground surface temperatures.
What we've done
Altlawns has conducted over 15 site visits where we discussed how to convert lawns and answered questions homeowners had.
We met and continue to meet to share stories and knowledge along with hosting events to help educate and empower our communities and give hands-on experience with growing native plants.
We have installed soft landings, 500 native shrubs and trees, and continue to help create a community that cares about biodiversity in our cities.
ever-widening strips.